
Golf Equipment Isn't Working

Golf Equipment Isn't Working

Golf equipment doesn't work? Did that catch your attention? I hope so. Now keep reading. Just the other day I was watching the Golf Channel and they were talking yet again about the latest and greatest drives and irons. This golf equipment (new technology) that has gotten totally out of hand, is making these companies a ton of money. Because they prey on vulnerable, frustrated golfers looking to play better through golf equipment. It’s not working! I don’t care what these companies say…I see golfers everyday, buying new golf equipment and STILL not playing any better. It’s a known fact that the average golf handicap has not gone down in over 20 years! You callaway ft-iz driver swing that club. You show up to the range or course. It all depends on your current physical condition how well you will swing…and especially for 18 holes. How many new clubs have you bought lately? Did it allow you to play better…consistently? Be honest. Don’t let your pride answer that question. Just state the facts. Are your scores lower? Do you swing with better consistency? These are questions to constantly ask yourself to make sure you are seeing progress. If you’re not…then save your money and get working on YOU! It’s always fun to see the new golf equipment that’s coming out…but your game is dependant on your physical capabilities, not compensations with golf equipment.
Golf is actually a simple game our brains and golf magazines just make it more complicated then it needs to be. The majority of golfers have the same problems that need to be fixed. But most of us come to the solution in the wrong manner. We tend to think that if callaway ft-iz driver  something new comes out it must be better and that the higher the price on the equipment you buy means the better the equipment must be. Then we tend to blame ourselves when that $1200 set we purchased does not lower our score. We want you to remember that the Pro shop salesmen that sold you your set has most likely never built a set of clubs and most likely does not know what the specifications of the Pro-line shafts are. The shaft is the motor, and who wants to buy a Lexus with a Yugo motor under the hood?
Whether the problem you are having with your game seems to be simple or complicated. It most likely can be fixed by looking at your present game and equipment from only a few different angles. You could feel like you have the best swing in the world and the following variables could be killing your game. Club Head Style, Shaft Choice, Shaft Length, Grip Size and Flex are the major components to properly fitting a golfer and if ONLY ONE of these variables is not matched up to your swing you could be in for a nightmare of bad habits to come.

